GEO News

Shasta Day Reporting Center Celebrates Six-Year Anniversary

Shasta Day Reporting Center Celebrates Six-Year Anniversary

Shasta County's Day Reporting Center (DRC) is celebrating six years of serving people on parole or probation.

The center on Court Street in Redding has been working to turn lives around since 2013.

They do it in a variety of ways, from classes to more practical solutions.

"The DRC has helped me out by giving me resources. They provide with job, they provide with housing. They've given me an opportunity to grow and succeed in life," said DRC participant Jacob Frey

The program goes in phases, from phase one and reporting seven days a week, to aftercare and checking in once a week. There are group and individual classes.

My friend Ben Brandenberg progressed from marijuana and alcohol to methamphetamine and heroin. He has been clean almost three months.

"I had tried other programs that seem to just touch on the superficial symptoms of addiction, really just trying to, I don't want to say band-aid, but definitely not getting to the core of it. Which, at DRC, has seemed to be the fit for me because it is going a lot deeper," Brandenberg said.

They are not only changing lives, they are saving them.

"(Where do you think you'd be if you weren't here?) Probably either in jail or dead, through a series of bad choices," Frey said.

My friend Jacob Frey has been at the DRC for four or five months. He says it has made a huge difference

"I don't think like I used to, I really don't. I'm very much changed from the person I was yesterday to the person that I am today," Frey said.

The Day Reporting Center is celebrating its sixth anniversary with an open house this Thursday, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tours will be offered. You can meet staff and participants, but please call to RSVP at (530) 242- 5709.

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