GEO News

2020 Diversity in Leadership Award Recipient – Jamie Flores

2020 Diversity in Leadership Award Recipient – Jamie Flores

Congratulations to Jamie Flores on being selected as one of the two 2020 Diversity in Leadership Award Recipients. Ms. Flores’ most noteworthy achievement was evident during the recent contract renewal process when the U.S. Marshals (USMS) stated that one of their primary reasons for renewing the contract was knowing Ms. Flores was in charge of transportation and had always performed exceptionally for the U.S. Marshals, allowing USMS inmates to always be on time for court appearances.

Jamie is also a huge supporter of needy children. It is a well-known fact in her neighborhood that she maintains an open-door policy for any child that is hungry or may need a place to spend the night. In 2019, Ms. Flores opened her home to a senior year high school student who required assistance. She provided guidance, a place to sleep, a loving home, and food to eat so that he could complete his senior year and graduate from high school.

Graduating high school as a single parent, Ms. Flores continued her studies and went on to obtain a college degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Corrections.

Even in her everyday life, Ms. Flores has mastered the art of transportation. By choice, due to expensive housing and real estate in San Diego, Ms. Flores resides 123 miles away from her place of employment, the Western Region Detention Facility. Her daily commute starts at 3am for her to arrive punctually. At the end of the day she makes the 123-mile trip to return to her husband and family. Thank you, Jamie, for your leadership and dedication!

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