GEO News

South Bay Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility Selected as the GEO Continuum of Care Facility of the Year

South Bay Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility Selected as the GEO Continuum of Care Facility of the Year

Deeply rooted in the rich soil of South Bay, Florida, one can find a new type of growth flourishing. It is not the harvest of corn, tomatoes, or even sugar, that has the most powerful yield, but rather the opportunity that grows within the walls of GEO’s South Bay Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility (South Bay CRF). South Bay CRF is in the heart of South Florida, nestled on the banks of Lake Okeechobee. It is affectionately referred to as “The Bay” by its residents. The residents of South Bay CRF did not choose to be there but are thankful all the same. Cody Romeo, a resident of South Bay CRF believes that South Bay saved his life. The young aspiring singer, recently featured on Fox and Friends, is quick to share his story of recovery from a lifetime of drugs and crime. His is a story of the recovery and salvation that he found only behind the walls of South Bay CRF, or as Cody puts it, “Only at the Bay”. Cody is one of the 1,948 individuals who reside at South Bay CRF.

The facility was built in 1994 and is dressed in razor wire much like any other correctional facility, but step inside and one quickly realizes that facility leadership has created a community and not a prison. Music washes the walls of the hallways. Smiling faces exchange “Good Morning and Good Afternoon” greetings that echo throughout every inch of the property. The hustle and bustle of the classrooms whisper promises of new beginnings and welcome opportunity. South Bay CRF has promoted second chances through education and treatment since first breaking ground, but this past year, the facility gave new meaning to second chances. Under the leadership of Facility Administrator, Lori Sink, AFA of Security, Chris Cruz, AFA of Programs, Charmonica Spivey, and Chief of Security, Leandre Mckinnon, the phrase “Only at the Bay” took on new meaning.

The facility leadership team worked with staff to make 2022 the year of second chances. South Bay CRF staff hosted second chance events all year and ended 2022 with a ribbon cutting ceremony for an onsite Second Chance Center. The Second Chance Center is home to a technology and career center, Recovery Road, One Love Café and a renaissance center that allows individuals to rediscover their artistic talents. Facility staff take turns working inside the center and cheering on participants as they tune instruments and vocal cords, develop resumes, interview for jobs, create culinary works of art, or paint the next great masterpiece. Staff, in collaboration with members of GEO Alumni Services, also encourage residents to give back to their community.

In October 2022, the Second Chance Center was the stage for a Victim Awareness Walk. Residents painted over 250 butterfly wings and walked with staff to honor survivors. The Butterfly is a symbol of metamorphosis, change, and transition. Hundreds of residents came forward and provided their own testimonials of change, vowing to never take but always give back to their community.

The Second Chance Center is not the only corner of South Bay CRF where you will find a celebration of life. The facility has hosted multiple events through the recreation department as well. Weekends were transformed into carnivals, softball tournaments, and basketball shoot-outs. Only at “The Bay” would you find NBA greats such as Michael “Sugar” Ray Richardson and Otis Birdsong shooting hoops with teams of staff and residents. Sugar and Otis weren’t the only celebrities to find their way to South Bay. Timothy’s Gift, a non-profit that focuses on restoring hope to justice involved individuals, accompanied by American Idol Alumni Melinda Doolittle, made a special stop at South Bay’s Second Chance Center at the end of November 2022 to perform a special Christmas Concert for the residents. South Bay transformed the Second Chance Center into a Winter Wonderland and created an environment that made everyone believe in Christmas miracles.

In 2023, South Bay CRF is already off to an exciting start! On January 13th, South Bay welcomed Fox and Friends host, Rachel Campos Duffy, who spent time touring the Second Chance Center and talking with residents about vocational and education programs. Rachel also witnessed the power of faith by sitting in on a faith-based leadership class led by GEO Board Member, Jack Brewer, and GEO Continuum of Care Alumni, Elmo Golden. The visit was truly remarkable and not only was it aired on the Fox and Friends Sunday Morning show, but it was also aired on Martin Luther King Day as part of Fox News programming.

It’s not the celebrities or incredible activities calendar that make South Bay CRF so special, it’s the people. The staff and residents working together every day to change lives as true partners in rehabilitation. For South Bay CRF, 2022 proved to be the year of second chances, and as such “The Bay” was selected as the GEO Continuum of Care Facility of the Year! Let us all celebrate their commitment and find it in our hearts to plant seeds of opportunity in our own backyards and declare every year the year of second chances.

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