World Class Healthcare

The healthcare needs of the individuals in our care are often significant. Those needs can include
acute or chronic healthcare conditions, as well as emergent care needs, and/or mental health
conditions, issues, including despair, anxiety, depression, fear, PTSD, thoughts of self-harm, and
suicidal ideation.

GEO is proud to directly provide healthcare services in many of our facilities.

Although GEO is typically responsible for the delivery of healthcare at our facilities as an ancillary
component of our support services contracts, we are sometimes not the direct provider of health
services. In some cases, our government agency partners determine who the healthcare provider
will be.

GEO-provided health services are under the oversight of the GEO Healthcare Division in our Corporate Headquarters. The division is led by the Senior Vice President of Health Services and a Chief Medical Officer, with four decades of experience in clinical medicine, and is supported by
subject matter experts in correctional healthcare, dental services, mental health services, quality
control, administration, and off-site health claims management.

For all facilities at which GEO provides health services, local oversight and support for healthcare
is also provided through one of GEO’s three Regional Offices, located in Charlotte, North Carolina; San
Antonio, Texas; and Los Angeles, California. Each Regional Office has a Regional Director of Health
Services, and each Regional Director is supported by a team of Regional Managers of Health Services.

Off-Site Consultations ███17,198
Dental Visits ███████ 44,704
Chronic Care Visits ██████████ 53,712
Physical Exams ██████████████ 77,782
Intake Health Screenings █████████████████ 98,047
Mental Health Visits ████████████████████████ 213,041
Sick Calls ██████████████████████████ 214,623

GEO strives to ensure that healthcare staff, including medical, nursing, dental, and mental health professionals, are available to provide care for everyone in our facilities. Through established staffing plans, these individuals fulfill their clinical and administrative responsibilities and work synergistically with our security staff to address any health situation that may arise. An Electronic Health Records system has been implemented in many of our facilities to maintain and track patients’ clinical information efficiently and securely. 

Initial screening for medical, mental health, and dental care is to be completed as soon as possible
after intake, and generally within twelve hours of reception at our facilities. Those who are
identified as most seriously ill are then prioritized for immediate clinical evaluation and treatment as

In 2023, our Secure Services Healthcare Division oversaw nearly 719,000 medical encounters, including intake health screenings, physical exams, chronic care visits, off-site consultations, sick calls, dental visits, and mental health visits.

All individuals in our care have coordinated access to healthcare services, which are available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. They are given the opportunity to submit oral or written healthcare requests at least daily, which are reviewed and prioritized by qualified healthcare professionals. Additionally, our patients receive ongoing education on disease risk and prevention and treatment plans.

These individuals also have the right to refuse or question the healthcare they are receiving through an established grievance process, which is a key component of our Quality Improvement program.

We take our responsibility to provide prompt, comprehensive, and compassionate health and mental healthcare to everyone under our care seriously. Our health services staff follow policies, practices, and evidence-based updated clinical guidelines, including the correctional healthcare standards established by the American Correctional Association and the National Commission on Correctional Health Care.