Political Engagement

As a company whose services are based on public-private partnerships with government agencies in the United States and around the world, GEO strives to maintain the highest level of ethics and compliance with respect to its government relations activities and political contributions.

Our political engagement efforts are largely educational, with the overarching objective of informing lawmakers and policymakers of the long-standing quality services we have delivered on behalf of federal and state government agencies for over three decades under both Democratic and Republican administrations.

Our government relations activities are focused on promoting the benefits of public-private partnerships in the delivery of residential care in secure facilities and processing centers, as well as the provision of evidence based rehabilitation and community reentry programs through the GEO Continuum of Care®.

GEO has been a trusted service provider to the federal government for over 30 years and to state governments for several decades, and in that time, we have never advocated for or against, nor have we ever played a role in setting, criminal justice or immigration enforcement policies, such as whether to criminalize behavior, the length of criminal sentences or the basis for or length of an individual’s incarceration or detention.