GEO World
About Us
Who We Are
History Timeline
Social Responsibility
Respecting Human Rights
GEO's Commitment to Respect Human Rights
GEO's Global Human Rights Policy
GEO’s Human Rights Engagement
Improving the Communities We Serve
Philanthropy-GEO Foundation
Active Community Engagement
Creating Sustainable Environments
Exceeding Quality Compliance
Dedicated Compliance Team
Industry Leading Standards
PREA Certification
Cultivating A Fulfilling Workplace
Embracing Diversity & Inclusion
Career Development and Advancement
Commitment To Training Excellence
Governance with Integrity
Corporate Governance
Business Conduct & Ethics
Political Engagement
GEO Secure Services
GEO Design Services
Support Services
Secure Transportation
GEO Care
Reentry Services
Electronic Monitoring
Community Partnerships
U.S. Secure Services
GEO News
GEO World
Video Library
Media Resources
Hiring Heroes
GEO Facility PREA Certification Information
GEO Secure Services:
Adelanto ICE Processing Center
Alexandria Staging Facility
Aurora ICE Processing Center (DHS)
Aurora ICE Processing Center (DOJ)
Blackwater River Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility (2022 Recertification)
Brooks County Detention Center (2023 Recertification)
Broward Transitional Center (2020 Recertification)
Central Arizona Correctional Facility
Central Louisiana ICE Processing Center (2021 Recertification)
Central Valley Annex
Coastal Bend Detention Center
Desert View Annex
Eagle Pass Detention Facility (2023 Recertification)
East Hidalgo Detention Center (2023 Recertification)
El Centro Detention Facility
Folkston ICE Processing Center (2022 Recertification)
Florence West Correctional & Rehabilitation Facility (2022 Recertification)
Golden State Annex
Heritage Trail Correctional Center (2022 Recertification)
Joe Corley Processing Center (2024 Recertification)
Karnes County Detention Facility (2022 Recertification)
Karnes County Immigration Processing Center
Kingman Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility (2021 Certification)
Kinney County Detention Center (2022 Recertification)
Lawrenceville Correctional Center (2022 Recertification)
Lawton Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility (2021 Recertification)
Lea County Correctional Facility (2021 Recertification)
Mesa Verde ICE Processing Center (2021 Recertification)
Montgomery ICE Processing Center (2023 Recertification)
Moore Haven Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility (2023 Reaccreditation)
Moshannon Valley Processing Center (2023 Recertification)
New Castle Correctional Facility (2023 Recertification)
Northwest ICE Processing Center (2023 Recertification)
Pine Prairie ICE Processing Center (2021 Recertification)
Phoenix West Correctional & Rehabilitation Facility (2022 Recertification)
Rio Grande Processing Center (2022 Recertification)
Riverbend Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility (2023 Recertification)
Robert A. Deyton Detention Facility (2023 Recertification)
South Bay Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility (2021 Recertification)
South Louisiana ICE Processing Center (2022 Recertification)
South Texas ICE Processing Center
Val Verde County Detention Facility (2023 Recertification)
Western Region Detention Facility (2023 Recertification)
GEO Care Reentry Services Residential Reentry Facilities:
ADAPPT (2022 Recertification)
Alabama Therapeutic Education Facility (2022 Recertification)
Arapahoe County Residential Center (2024 Recertification)
Beaumont Transitional Treatment Center (2022 Recertification)
Bronx Community Reentry Center (2022 Recertification)
Casper Reentry Center (2024 Recertification)
Chester County (2021 Recertification)
Community Alternatives of the Black Hills (2022 Recertification)
Community Alternatives of El Paso County (2022 Recertification)
Cordova Center (2022 Recertification)
Delaney Hall Residential Reentry Center (2021 Recertification)
El Monte Center (2021 Recertification)
Grossman Center (2023 Recertification)
The Harbor (2022 Recertification)
Las Vegas Community Correctional Center (2022 Recertification)
Leidel Comprehensive Sanction Center (2023 Recertification)
Long Beach Community Reentry Center (2021 Recertification)
Marvin Gardens Center (2023 Recertification)
Mid Valley House (2021 Recertification)
Midtown Center (2022 Recertification)
New Mexico Men's Recovery Academy (2021 Recertification)
New Mexico Women's Recovery Academy (2021 Recertification)
Northstar Center (2022 Recertification)
Oakland Center (2023 Recertification)
Parkview Center (2024 Certification)
Philadelphia Residential Reentry Center
Reality House (2023 Recertification)
Salt Lake City Center (2021 Recertification)
Scranton Facility (2022 Recertification)
Seaside Center (2024 Recertification)
Southeast Texas Transitional Center (2022 Recertification)
Tampa Residential Reentry Center
Taylor Street Center (2023 Recertification)
Tully House (2022 Recertification)
Tundra Center (2024 Recertification)