Design, Build, Finance/Lease
Management & Operations
In-Custody Programs
Secure Transportation
Residential Reentry
Non-Residential Reentry
Electronic Monitoring
Since its inception, GEO has been a national leader in the finance, design, construction and management of secure facilities, processing centers, and community reentry centers.
GEO has experience working in 18 states across the nation and 8 countries, consisting of work for international, federal, state, & municipal government clients. Over the past 25 years, GEO and its in-house design and development team have been the developer of over 70 facility construction and renovation projects valued in excess of $2 billion.
Recognized both in the United States and abroad as the premier development and management company for designing secure facilities, processing centers, and community reentry centers, GEO’s reputation has been earned through dedication to a management philosophy that emphasizes security, functionality, durability, and cost effectiveness as its prime objectives.
GEO recognizes the significant relationship between both life-cycle costs and operational effectiveness and the design. To assure design integrity, GEO established GEO Design Services, Inc. GEO’s in-house team of design and construction experts coordinate all aspects of facility development. From conceptual design through obtaining the Certificate of Occupancy, GEO’s design and development team remains involved in all stages of the project.
In addition to our focus on secure design concepts and innovative technology, GEO is committed to sustainable building practices that incorporate energy efficiency and mitigate environmental impact.