In-Custody Treatment

GEO believes that inmates and detainees should be given the greatest opportunity to improve their health and welfare through rehabilitation and educational programs. To this end, GEO has adapted nationally recognized cognitive behavior programs and other evidence-based programs designed to rehabilitate offenders while in detention. GEO offers a wide array of educational programming, including GED and Pre-GED programs, Adult Basic Education, Special Education, English as a Second Language courses, Post-Secondary Programs, and Library Services. In addition, GEO’s correctional and detention facilities offer programs focusing on life and work skills, vocational training, substance abuse treatment, self-help, recreational activities, and religious and faith-based programs.


30,000+ Daily Participating in Evidence Based programming Worldwide

10,000 GEDs

In the past ten years, GEO has awarded more than 10,000 GEDs through the company’s in-prison academic programs

40,000 Inmates

Over the last decade, approximately 40,000 inmates have achieved completion certificates from a variety of GEO vocational programs.

100,000 Inmates

Through GEO’s treatment services, over 100,000 inmates have completed substance abuse and therapeutic programs in the last decade.

Below is a list of programs offered by The GEO Group:

GEO's Enhanced Academic Programs Include:

Use of SMART Board Technology

Customized Learning Through Individual Education Plans

Dynamic Grouping

Technology Based Learning

Engaged Learning Model

Adult Learner-Centered Approach

Technology Integration Zones

Collaborative Learning Communities

Academic Dorms

Technology Based Learning Labs

Small Class Sizes

Learning & Testing Labs

Differentiated Learning Groups

GEO's Academic Courses Include:

English as a Second Language (ESL)


Special Education



GEO's Vocational Programs Include:

Career and Technical Education with Workforce Job Opportunities

National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER) Certification

Professional Portfolio Development

Partnerships with Community Employers

Vocational Licensing

On the Job Training Opportunities

Mock Interviews

Project Based Learning

Job Fairs

Nationally Recognized Certification Tracks

GEO's Vocational Licenses Include:

Custodial Maintenance




Building Trades

Auto Mechanics



Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Small Engine Repair



Culinary Arts

Computer Repair



Motivational Interviewing

Cognitive Behavioral Interventions-Substance Abuse (CBI-SA)

Success Planning

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)

Cognitive Restructuring

Problem Solving

Thinking for a Change (T4C)

Emotional Regulation

Individual Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Sessions (ICBT)

Cognitive Self Change


Modified Therapeutic Community Model

Religion Specific Programming

Religious Accomodation

Pro-Social Modeling

Faith & Character Based Housing Units


Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP)

Gender Responsive Trauma-Informed Care


Living in Balance

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) & Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Programs

Cognitive Behavioral Interventions-Substance Abuse (CBI-SA)