Community-based, non-residential reentry centers are just one of the many ways we help individuals reenter the community after incarceration. In addition to the positive impact the centers have on participants, agencies can develop a program that best meets their needs, reduces costs, and promotes public safety.
Recidivism remains a major contributor to swelling prison populations and skyrocketing costs. More than 640,000 individuals return from prisons to local communities each year. About half of these individuals will violate parole/probation or commit new crimes and return to prison, at a major expense to taxpayers. This presents state and county agencies with an opportunity to reform parole/probation and manage reentry in ways that keep communities safe and save scarce public funds.
These non-residential centers are commonly known as Day Reporting Centers (DRCs), Community Resource Centers (CRCs), or Reentry Service Centers (RSCs). These centers, serving probationers, parolees, and pretrial defendants, provide cognitive behavioral treatment and services tailored to participants’ specific criminogenic risks and needs. Participants receive intensive treatment focused on changing criminal thinking and behavior. At the same time, they are connected with community resources enabling them to be contributing members of the local community.
Non-residential program options are designed to match the needs of the population and agency budget parameters. With implementation taking as few as 60 days, and with little to no capital expense, agency challenges can be addressed quickly.
Individuals referred to a DRC go through a multi-phase program that includes frequent reporting to the center where participants are placed at different levels of treatment and training based on assessed risk and needs. Staff monitor individuals closely with daily check-ins, ongoing drug and alcohol testing, and intensive case management. Our programs are rooted in consistent delivery of programming, immediate response for rewards or sanctions, and evidence-based practices proven to change criminal behavior.
GEO recruits qualified staff and provides extensive training and mentoring programs to cultivate program leaders. Our staff members are immersed in evidence-based practices, and work closely with our agencies to share these practices.