Design, Build, Finance/Lease
Management & Operations
In-Custody Programs
Secure Transportation
Residential Reentry
Non-Residential Reentry
Electronic Monitoring
For more than 40 years, BI Incorporated has delivered innovative products and services that offer an alternative to incarceration for community corrections agencies supervising parolees, probationers, or pretrial defendants. Our products include a wide range of electronic monitoring systems, enabling agencies to apply the least restrictive or appropriate option to support compliance to conditions of release. By releasing individuals to community supervision with the support of these innovative tools, they are able live in the community, support themselves and their families, and supervising officers understand better how a person is doing in the community.
BI offers government agencies more than a dozen compliance technologies, including:
Made in the USA
In addition to our focus on secure design concepts and innovative technology, GEO is committed to sustainable building practices that incorporate energy efficiency and mitigate environmental impact.